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Sign by Brieana Johnson

It isn’t just gentrification causing displacement of Black families out of East and West Oakland – it is decades of disinvestment of public resources from Black neighborhoods and schools caused by anti-Black racism that has devastated Black communities. The formula is clear. Starving schools of badly needed resources – deteriorates conditions – and then schools are put on the chopping block for closure. 16 out of 18 schools closed in OUSD since 2004, were over 60% Black (check out this infographic for details). In most cases Charter schools reopened at those sites, serving 62% less Black students. This contributed to a drastic decline in enrollment from 20,267 Black students in 2004 to only 12,632 in 2017.

And now the district wants to close another 24 schools which will, once again, disproportionately impact Black children in the following ways:

  1. Schools in Black communities are safe havens, community anchors, and provide long-term social connections that peers, families, and educators have had over generations. Losing these schools, further destabilizes communities already facing high poverty and violence;
  2. School closures push Black students into other under-enrolled schools that lack the cultural, socio-emotional, and academic supports to ensure a successful transition; and
  3. Consolidating under-resourced schools that are slated for closure and warehousing Black students in them, sets students up for failure and deepens the distrust that Black families already feel towards OUSD.

Take ACTION today! NO School Closures!

Email the Board at http://tinyurl.com/emailousdboard with a letter like the one below:

Dear Board Director,

Closing 16 of 18 schools that were over 60% Black in the last 15 years reflects a deep disinvestment in and educational neglect of Black students. We demand that you conduct a study on the impact of the past and proposed school closures on Black students, families, and communities – and vote NO on any new school closures. Based on the findings of that study, we demand you develop a plan with adequate resources to repair the harm and fully fund schools serving a majority of Black students taking into account the specific needs of Black students and families.

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